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Thursday, February 14, 2013

{small gift for TMV -coffee and candied ginger}
So today's the day.  The day where my entire Facebook feed is FULL of women posting photos of flowers and gifts, and talking about how much they love their spouses.  But you know what I see the most of (AFTER the flowers, of course!)?  I see posts about what they're fixing their honeys for dinner, or vice versa.  It always makes me smile to see what people cook.  To see their styles and their flavors.  Maybe that's  just me, but whatever.  You happen to be reading MY blog, right?  Right.

I digress...back on topic.....

So because of all of this posting about food, I've been reflecting.  Because on top of everyone's love crazed cooking (not judging -just noting that we have a tendency to love through food), I'm also taking a whole foods class where I'm learning not just about whole foods, but I'm also learning about myself.  Which is a huge bonus.

But all of this learning takes IMMENSE quantities of quiet, uninterrupted time (which is hard when your sister + nephew keep sending you pictures of cuteness).  So after receiving my weekly eBook, I (un)patiently waited for the member day at the co-op to come around.  I printed off the shopping list and bee-lined it so that I could beat the lunch rush.

Walking through the skinny isles of the overpacked store I was taken by such a sense of relief.  Relief of knowing my body would feel better with this food.  Relief from high prices for nothing foods that come in boxes and unrecycleable plastic wrapping.  And as I'm dropping each little bag of wonderful into my cart I'm feeling lighter and lighter because I have the TIME.

I have the TIME to learn.  The TIME to grow, and the TIME to HEAL through this new process.  The teacher of this class (you should consider it.  Truly amazing -it's called Whole Foods Kitchen.  I'm already in love), in her eBook, gives us permission to be whatever we need to be during this time of learning.  To be completely honest, I cried like a big fat baby.  Simply because I've never had anyone tell me (in regards to food) that it's ok NOT to be perfect (myself included).  You know -measure this, count that, "if you want A slice of pizza you have to go swim laps."  I'm not joking -that was part of my life.

The whole point of this message is simple.  Today, on this day of love, food, chocolates, and flowers, my heart is full of gratitude for this TIME that I've been granted.

Happy cooking, lovers!


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