So I took my favorite mug, heated the blissful concoction, and had a nice long sit in front of the window to the gray, overcast, and rainy day. In the quiet of my home, no TV (TMV is out of town -he likes noise. These initials standing for The Man Viking, of course...my husband), no radio, and no double bass (which I DO enjoy, just makes it hard to concentrate...I swoon for Bach.... ANYWAY), I was able to reflect on the recent happenings of my life. Changes, blessings, and of course the best one -hope. Because it is in moments like these that I am exceptionally thankful for the hope I've been granted.
Instead of being sullen like I'm wont to become on days like this I had myself a little Joy-up session, just like on Oprah! With the exception being that my name is Briana, and I'm not famous. I thought about our little family (and the constant entertainment the cat and dog provide for us), and about our future -the part of our lives we have no control over. I thought about my beloved friends and family, and how they supported my three day long cooking spree (and really everything I happen to get myself into), and the freezer out in the garage that now houses all of those wonderful creations. I thought about our new nephew -Hudson, and what a huge blessing he is to us, even if he is the temporary good-thing-in-a-small-package. These are just a few of the many thoughts I had during my Joy-up session today.
Enough about me! On to the part where I talk about food-things. Ready?
I hope that this recipe brings you the opportunity for some of the peace and quiet it brought to me. If it doesn't, at least it's tasty and caffeinated! Heh. I feel obligated to tell you, however, that while this puppy is fabulous it doesn't taste like Starbucks. If you want Starbucks, you should go there. If you want something that tastes clean, sharp, and humble this is your drink!
I didn't make the recipe. It came from this fabulous site: Cookus Interruptus. You'll find the recipe there, and if you have a few minutes you should watch the video. It's funny (or at least I thought it was!)! This website has TONS of wonderful recipes on it, and they do it with humor. Thanks to Kelly for pointing me in their direction.
Since it was my first attempt at the true home made kind (literally -I picked out the spices from the co-op myself!), there's room for improvement. I felt like the quantities in the recipe produced TOO MUCH for the estimated yield, so I split it up. The tea is still strong, but the flavors are not as zingy. They meld beautifully with the milk. But I'll definitely be mixing it up next time and trying something different. I may even try another recipe, or play with it until I find the combination that's perfect for me. :) I hope you do the same!
Now -off with you! Go gather, make, and enjoy your little bit of peace and quiet, and let me know how it tastes!!!
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