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Monday, July 8, 2013

I've Been....

{colorful beauty no. 1}
...filling my last few days with full of happy things until I literally burst (this looks like me, falling into bed fully clothed, smelling like babies and the trees...). Trying to forget why we're sad, and that we're returning to an empty home with nothing but two camp chairs, paper plates, and an air mattress without our sweet Saphira. I've already written our moving story, but I'm not sure that I want to share it. It's not happy like a moving story should be. It's fully of big, real emotions that I'm not sure I want the internet to remember forever (ya catch me?). Some things are too special to share, I think. So until then, I'll just leave you with the beautiful, wonderful, and loving things that I AM filling my vacation time with. I've been hunting down colorful beauties like these....

{colorful beauty no. 2}

...and snuggling my lazy baby, who, despite our separation, still poses for my camera with little reminding. She's getting fat at the family farm, eating more than her share of food, and being the sleepiest Daphnie-Doodle to ever walk the planet. But I don't mind. She's a daily reminder to be thankful for what we have, when we have it. And I love her even more for serving that purpose for me...not that she realizes it. She's also an excellent listener, as long as you bribe her with cuddles!...erm...or food.

                      {Lazy Doodle, exhibit no. 1}
 I've also been watching the sweet faces of the canines around me, taking in their spunky personalities, and reminiscing the moments when Saphira would run around the house, roll in the snow, and snore louder than TMV. There are so many more memories I wish I had captured, but perhaps I'll blog about the at a different time.
{Sweet canine no. 1: Matilda, affectionately known as "Tilly"}

I've also been spending time meditating, being calm, and finding my peace. And despite all of the chaos and sadness, I think I'm doing ok. Mostly because of views full of trees...

...and spots with still decor....

...and being full of the people I love.
                              {TMV reading about one of his true loves: Harrier airplanes!}

                            {Mum and Seester doing bath time entertainment for Hudson, my beautiful nephew}


... I've even begun enjoying a much anticipated past time: harvesting. I clipped massive amounts of herbs this weekend, and with the assistance of Daddio, have hung some of them to dry.

As for the boxes, unpacking, and settling in...? All of those things will have to wait because now is the time for peace, love, and family. There will be time for cardboard, tape, and re-arranging in September.

 photo ZENSIGNATURE_zps260858b5.png

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